Guidelines to submit articles, reviews and its publication in the magazine "Iberoamérica"
The originals must correspond to five basic requirements: be original and not be approved for publication in other publishing media; contain convincing arguments to substantiate the author's conclusions; have innovative ideas; be of particular interest to scientists of this branch and, preferably, be of interest to researchers in related fields.
When sending the work to the journal is necessary to sign the agreement with the editorial, the text can be received by email, or in the site of the magazine: Originals are not accepted without being signed by the authors.
The editorial board and the editors of the magazine "IBEROAMÉRICA" examine the originals, which should not exceed 20 to 22 pages (40 000 characters, including blanks) in Times New Roman 12 with 1.5 line spacing. The originals must be accompanied by the title, abstract (8-10 lines) and Keywords (up to 10) in Russian and English languages. Russian authors send texts in the Russian language, which will be translated into Spanish by the editors. Foreign authors will do it in Spanish or, in exceptional cases, in Portuguese but also with abstract and keywords in English.
When submitting work the author (authors) should include:
- full name and surname in Spanish and English;
- place of work or study (official name of the institution), their academic status (postgraduate, Ph.D., doctor-emeritus holder, position held in Spanish and English;
- Contacts (address, phone, fax, e-mail).
The works of postgraduate, postulants and students are accepted only with the recommendation of the tutor of the corresponding scientific or educational institution, mentioning their position, degree and academic title, telephone and e-mail.
There is no charge for the publication of the articles. Nor fees paid to authors. Manuscripts are not returned.
The full texts of articles published in the journal with the abstracts and keywords from 2010 to today are freely accessible on the site: well as the electronic library:
1. Manuscripts submitted to the journal, which correspond to the theme of it, are subject to the expert appraisal by the members of the Editorial Board. All the participating reviewers are recognized specialists on the issues reviewed with relevant publications over the last 10 years.
2. The main objective of the recension is to present to the editor of the magazine argued information to enable it to decide whether to publish the work. The positive recension should contain recommendations for improving the article. The negative recension should mention weak moments of the work for authors to be, in case of a negative decision, aware of the arguments for this decision.
3. The articles published in other Russian journals, which are selected by the editors to be translated into Spanish and published in the journal IBEROAMÉRICA do not require reviews, but the CONSENT of the author and the editorial of the magazine, where it was published previously. In this case reference should be made to this magazine, mentioning its name, year, number, publisher and pages.
4. Reviews are stored in the editorial for 5 years.
5. The editor of the magazine "IBEROAMERICA" send copies to the authors of the reviews or the reasoned refusal. It also agrees to send copies of the reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation if it's requested.
Main approaches of the review of the article
1. General characteristics of the article (title, author (s), volume)
2. General characteristics of the problematic of the article (thematic, orientation)
3. Correspondence of the problematic of the article to the issue of the section of the magazine
4. Actuality of the article
5. Characteristics and evaluation of the contents of the article (including the scientific approaches and results of the article, actuality of scientific approaches and results; argumentation of the approaches and results, their significance from the practical point of view).
6. Observations and references regarding the content, form and extent of the article without affecting the content and scientific approaches.
7. Opinion on the desirability of publication of the article submitted.
His academic status, name and surname
Signature and date
«___» _________________ 20__
1. The article (format-Word, Times New Roman character, character size-12 should have no more than 40,000 characters counting blank spaces intervals between lines - 1.5.
The article is sent on disk or USB drive and printed out. Foreign authors can send by email:
2. On the first page is written the first title of the article, then - name and surname, degree and academic status (if any), workplace and job title, e-mail. Below - brief summary (8-10 lines) and keywords (up to 10 words). Russian authors write these data mandatory in Russian and English (preferably also in Spanish), foreign - mandatory in English and Spanish. In exceptional cases, these data will be accepted only in Russian, its translation into Spanish will be done by the editorial.
The abstract should be informative, without vague words, reflect the fundamental essence of the article, describing the purpose and main research methods, gather the most important research results and scientific significance, be structured (follow the logic of the research).
3. Annotations (references), clarifications are written as the current text down the page and marked with "asterisk" - Revolution *. The end point is placed after the "asterisk". These notes (references) must be of a clarifying nature or to specify.
4. At the end of the article, are listed the bibliography and sources cited in the text. The numeration must be ordinal with Arabic numerals. No clarification or specifications allowed.
See examples below.
5. Pictures, diagrams and graphs are used to supplement the author assertions. They must have titles and numbers. Graphs and charts are made in Word - 11 centimeters wide.
6. In the text words year and years, centuries are written only with numbers (2009, 2009 to 2010; twentieth century XIX - XX, the 90s, in the 80s); thousand (s), million (s) billion (s) dollars, rubles pesos, etc. They are written completely without quotation marks and preferably with symbols (US $ 5000, € 300). The currencies of other countries also after the first mention, should be written with symbols.
7. Before sending the text to the editorial, it must be read carefully. The names, surnames and toponyms (placenames) must be identical. At the first mention of a person, it must be written his complete name and surname, afterwards only the initials and the full surname. Also must have to mention their nationality and occupation (e.g. the Chilean poet Pablo Neruda, the Mexican economist Alonso Aguilar Monteverde, the American political scientist Cool Blesiere). If it comes to presidents and top leaders of the country it is preferable to mention his lifetime or governing years.
8. At the first mention of institutions, parties, groups etc. their names are completely written without quotation marks and between brackets their abbreviations (e.g. World Bank (WB), International Monetary Fund (IMF), Asia-Pacific region (AsPac), etc. Social Democratic Radical Party (PRSD); Revolutionary Institutional Party (PRI). Afterwards in the text it is only used the abbreviation.
9. The names of foreign organizations and companies in the first mention written entirely in Spanish without quotation marks without italics. In brackets the name is written in the original language and the abbreviation. For example: (Mercado Común del Sur, MERCOSUR); Compañía estatal de Venezuela (Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., PDVSA); Consejo Nacional Indio de Venezuela (CONIVE); Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte (TLCAN), North American Free Trade Agreement, NAFTA); Conferencia de la ONU sobre el Comercio y Desarrollo (United National Conference on Trade and Development, UNCTAD); (Alternativa Bolivariana para Nuestros Pueblos de América, ALBA). Afterwards in the text it is only used the abbreviation.
10. The names of the media are written in the language of the original and between quotations marks. Example: "Excelsior", "Clarin", "The Washington Post".
11. The data, citations, etc. must be accompanied by references to the source at the end of the article. The phrases in Spanish should be taken from the original Spanish-language source. If taken from other foreign media they must be translated into Spanish.
12. The text that has more than 15,000 characters should be divided by subtitles. If necessary, the subtitles can be used in texts of smaller length.
As illustrations, the magazine editorial admits only diagrams, charts, tables, graphs and figures in black and white, which are sent by email in DOC (Word) format of 11 centimeters wide. In case of using other colors they must be replaced with shadows or stripes. Tables, graphs etc. must be numbered, titled, contain reference to the source and sent in Word format by e-mail:
The bibliography (references) must be at the end of the text with Arabic numerals, numbered consecutively as they come in the text.
References to the literature sources in the text itself are made in square brackets with Arabic numerals, which mention the number of the source or literature in the bibliography at the end of the text and through coma, if necessary, the number of the page. Example: in the text after the citation (phrase) or statistical data it is placed [1, p. 33], where 1 is the number of the first source in the literature and 33 - the page from this source. In the bibliography it is written only the source (book, article, newspaper etc.) mentioning the total number of pages in the source. If the reference to the same source repeats, it must be placed the same number and, if necessary, another page, for example: [1, p. 38]. If it referred to another source, which has another number in the literature, in this case indicates another number in the text and other page, e.g. [23, p. 13].
All bibliography is written in the original language. The Russian source also transcribed in brackets in Latin letters (name and surname, title of the article); the title, place of publication, publisher, and year of publication are also translated into English in square brackets. To automatically transcribe into Latin letters Russian words would be advisable appeal to the site (standard - BSI).
Samples of articles:
First are written the surname, then initials of Russian authors, then the article title, name of the journal in italics, editorial, city, year, number and range of pages. If the publication has DOI, necessarily specify it in parentheses.
For example:
In Russian language:
Палкина В.П. Недвижимость Испании: цены достигли «дна», продажи иностранцам растут. Полис.. Политические исследования, 2014,№1, СС.49-59 [Palkina V.P.. Nedvizhimost′ Ispanii: tseny dostigli “dna”, prodazhi inostrantsam rastut [Spain Real Estate: Prices Have Reached the “Bottom”, Sales to Foreigners are Growing]. Poli. Politicheskiye issledovaniya, 2014, № 1.
Аверина О.В Женщины Чили вчера и сегодня. — Латинская Америка, 2006, № 2, с. 14. [Averina O.A. Zhenzchiny Chili vchera i segodnya [Women of Chile yesterday and today. [Mujeres de Chile ayer y hoy] Latinskaya Amerika, 2006, N 2, p. 14.
In English or other language:
Seijo L. Un país sin caras femeninas en política. La Prensa Libre. Guatemala, 2007.
Alicia Girón. Mercados financieros y financiamiento al desarrollo. Problemas del Desarrollo. Vol 46/ Num. 183, p. 5. México, UNAM, 2015.
Author A.A., Title of article. Title of Journal, 2005,vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 49-53.
Sample of books (monographs, compendia):
Russian editions:
Фадеев Ю.А. Революция и контрреволюция в Боливии. М., Прогресс, 1969, с.66. [Fadeev Y.A. Revolutsia i kontrrеvolutsia v Bolivii [Revolution and Contrrevolution in Bolivia [Revolución y contrarevolución en Bolivia] Moscow, Progress, 1969.
Дынкин А.А., Иванова Н.И., отв. ред. Глобальная перестройка.Москва, Весь Мир, 2014. 528 с. [Dynkin A.A., Ivanova N.I., eds. Global′naya perestroika [Global Perestoika]. Moscow, Ves′Mir, 2014, 528 p.
Бразилия: тенденции экономического и социально-политического развития. Москва, Наука, 1983. 367 с. [ Brasilia: tendentsii economichescogo i sotsialno-politichescogo rasvitiya [ Brasil: tendencias del desarrollo económico y socio-político]. Moscú, Nauka, 1983. 367 p.
Foreign editions:
The sources (bibliography) published in other languages are presented in the original language without transcribing them into Spanish or English.
Rama A.. Transculturación narrativa en América Latina. Montevideo, Grupo Norma, 1989. 285 р.
El subdesarrollo del desarrollo. Un ensayo autobiográfico. Caracas, 1991, Editorial Nueva Sociedad
América Latina: subdesarrollo o revolución. México, 1973, Editorial Era. 180 р.
Sample of lectures and dissertations:
Russian editions:
Иванов В.В.Эволюция концепций экономического развития. — Материалы Х конференции экономистов. Москва, 24—26 мая 2005 г. [Ivanov V.V. Evolutsia kontseptsiy economicheskogo razvitiya [Evolution of concepts of economic development]. Materialy X konferentsii economistov [The proceedings of the conference of economists]. Moscow, 24—26 may, 2005.
Петров А.И. Революция в Мексике. Дисс. докт. ист. наук. М., 2013, 190 с. [Petrov A.I. Revolutsia v Meksike. Diss. doct. ist. Nauk[The Revolution in Mexico. Dr. Diss. Hist. Или [ La Revolución en México. Tesis doctoral en ciencias políticas]. Moscow, 2013, 190 p.
Sample of newspapers, agencies:
Only the names of Russian editions are transcribed into square brackets with Latin letters.
Известия. [Izvestiya]. Moscow, 13.X.2009.
ТАСС [TASS], 31.V. 2007.
The names of foreign editions are written in the original form without transcription.
La Prensa. Buenos Aires, 13.X.2007.
Reuters, 25.VI.2005.
Prensa Latina. La Habana, 26.VII.2006.
Examples of references to the sources, published on the Internet:
The address is written in full; put in brackets the date of access to the site; no period at the end sets.
Example of articles in Russia:
Кондратьев В.Б. Глобальная фармацевтическая промышленность. [Kondrat′ev V.B Global′naya farmatsevticheskaya promyshlennst′ [The Global Pharmaceutical Industry] o en español [La industria farmaceutica global] Available at: (accessed 24.05.2014)
Examples of articles in Spanish or English:
- Freeman,Richard B. The Great Doubling….. (Available at [Disponible en] : (accessed [consultado] el 24.05.2014)
- Jassob, Robert. El future del estado capitalista... (Available at) [Disponible en]: (accessed [consultado el 25.07.2014)
- Nodal, Alejandro, “Crisis económica y crisis del estado”, La Jornada,<ítica/004n1pol/